What's In Our Park Bag?

If you're planning a Disney and Universal holiday there is one thing you without a doubt need...a park bag!
We cannot stress enough how important this is, as there are several things you will need with you on a daily basis. Obviously this does depend on your needs, the length of your day and the time of year that you are going but there are some staple things that you won't want to be without.


So you want your park bag to be comfortable and lightweight; one that you can carry round all day. Ideally it would be waterproof but if not just one that will dry quickly in the Florida sun.
Ours was this Vans drawstring bag. It was nice and thin, light to carry and just perfect for what we needed it for. We just shared this bag most days and put everything in that we would need throughout the day, just taking it in turns to carry it. We did bring a second bag just in case but we only used that for longer days, for example when we went to Universal and brought a change of clothes for our evening meals.

What's in the bag?

Water bottle (absolutely essential!)
- Squeezy squash bottle (also essential because the water in the park fountains is vile)
- Mini ponchos/mac in a sack
- Medical supplies (plasters, paracetamol, tummy tablets, sickness tablets etc)
- Sunglasses
- Portable phone charger
- Sun cream
- Liquid talc (if your thighs are even slightly at risk of rubbing - ours did!)
- Sandwich bags (to put your valuable bits in on water rides)
- Caxton card/other currency card - we used ours for everything!
- Change for tips
- Magic bands/ears
- Snacks (for the days you don't want to spend a fortune on food in the parks)


Obviously like we mentioned above you might want to pack more if you're planning to spend the whole day and night in a park - for example when we went to Universal for the day and evening we packed flip flops and a change of clothes in our park bags. But the list above was what we swore by every single day in Orlando. This does also vary depending on the time of year you go - because we go in August we needed the ponchos as it's rainy season, however if you're going in Winter you may want to pack a light jumper or cardigan to wear in case it gets chilly.
You can buy some of these things in the parks on the day but we think it's much better and far cheaper to plan ahead and bring them along because a bottle of water in the parks will set you back around $5 and ponchos will be around $15. It's also worth noting that you can get free ice water in lots of quick service places around the parks which tastes much nicer than the water fountain water you can fill your bottles up with. Again though, hydration is key in the Orlando sun (Cathy learned this the hard way...) so having that bottle in your bag along with a little squeezy squash is so useful and you won't regret it!

Thanks for reading!

Cathy and Lou xxx